4948 Switch

Upgrade 4948 Switch

  1. If you need to create the interface, follow this link.
  2. Download the .bin file needed from the Techops repository.
  3. Set up your TFTP server. For windows follow the following.
    1. Download and install TFTPD64 from the following link.
      1. http://tftpd32.jounin.net/tftpd32_download.html
    2. Once TFTPD is installed, open it and open the "Settings"
    3. Choose a "Base Directory" which holds the files you wish to transfer. Then ensure that your settings match up with the images below.
    4. Restart the program

  1. Connect to the switch using a serial connection.
  2. Run the following commands to update the switch.
copy tftp:://192/168.1.150c3750-o[\\ipservices9-mz.150-2.SE2.bin bootflash:/
conf t
boot system flash bootflash:cat4500-entservices9-mz.150-2.SG11
config-register 0x2102
wr mem

Recover a config file

  1. Place the config file in the TFTP root directory
  2. On the switch run the following commands
    1. enable
    2. copy tftp:// startup-config
    3. reload

