Using GestioIP

Adding a new network and allowing sync

  1. Once you are logged into the web server for GestioIP, select the "networks" tab and then select "new"
  2. Define the new network with the parameters you want then select "create"
  3. Once the network is created, go back to the "networks" tab and select "change/delete"
  4. Select the networks you wish to allow automatic sync on, then on the bottom of the page, select "edit" then "sync" then "mass update"
  5. Once you select "mass update", check the "sync" box on the next page and select "change".

Updating Host names

  1. On the GestioIP server, run the following command to update all entries in the web server.
    1. /usr/share/gestioip/bin/
  2. On the web server, choose a network you want to update a hostname for.
  3. Press the edit button on the right of the IP address you wish to edit.
  4. Enter the host-name, description, site and device category then click "change".

Backing up GestioIP Database

  1. Run the following command to backup the GestioIP database.
    1. mysqldump ­-u root ­-p gestioip --result-file=backup_gestioip.sql
  2. Run the following command to recover the GestioIP database.
    1. mysql ­-u root ­-p gestioip < backup_gestioip.sql