Installing GestioIP

Installing Prerequisites

  1. Update the server and install the EPEL repository.
    1. yum -y install epel-release
    2. yum -y update
  2. Install the following applications needed for GestioIP. Then start and enable httpd and mariadb.
    1. yum -y install httpd mod_perl mariadb mariadb-server make gcc netsnmp net-snmp-utils wget checkpolicy policycoreutils-python
    2. systemctl start httpd
    3. systemctl enable httpd
    4. systemctl start mariadb
    5. systemctl enable mariadb
  3. Start the MySQL installation
    1. mysql_secure_installation
    2. Press "Enter" when it asks for the current root password because there is none.
    3. Press "Y" to set the root password.
    4. Press "Y" to remove anonymous users.
    5. Press "Y" to disallow root login remotely.
    6. Press "Y" to remove the test database.
    7. Press "Y" to reload privilege table.

Installing GestioIP

  1. Go into the "opt" directory and download GestioIP
    1. cd /opt
    2. wget
    3. tar zxvf gestioip_3.4.tar.gz
    4. cd /opt/gestioip_3.4/
    5. ./
    6. Enter yes to install GestioIP on this computer.
    7. Keep pressing "Enter" until it asks you if "Do you wish that the setup installs the missing Perl Modules now", select "Yes"
    8. Allow the setup to install requires MIBs.
    9. Keep pressing "Enter" until it asks you "Which should be the user to access to GestioIP".
      1. Enter "root"
      2. Copy the following command to a new terminal and execute it.
      3. sudo /usr/bin/htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/users-gestioip root
    10. Keep pressing "Enter" until the installation is complete.
    11. Once the installation is complete, restart the httpd service and open the firewall ports for the web server.
firewall-cmd --add-port=80/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-port=443/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
systemctl restart httpd
    1. Now point your brower to "http://<server-ip>/gestioip/install
    2. Enter "" for both the "Web Server Address" and the "Mysql server address" since they are located on the same server.
    3. Enter the password for the super user created earlier.
    4. Set the "Mysql" user to be "root" and give it the default root password.
    5. Enter the sites and network categories to be used.
    6. Run the following command on the GestioIP server.
      1. rm -r /var/www/html/gestioip/install
    7. Edit the database parameters to allow GestioIP to automatically update the DNS entries.
      1. vim /usr/share/gestioip/etc/ip_update_gestioip.conf
      2. Change the "user_gestioip" parameter to be "root" and change the "pass_gestioip" parameter to be the root password.
    8. Point your browser to "http://<server-ip>/gestioip" to begin using GestioIP.